Monday, January 31, 2011

Back at it...

I finally, I got a chance to get some exercise this weekend. I’ve been a bit under the weather for about the last week with what felt like a cold (laryngitis, etc). According to the doctor, it was your basic, garden-variety virus…whatever is going around. Not bad enough to stay home but I wasn’t a 100% either and I thought getting some rest would be best. If I was going to get sick, I was happy I was getting sick now and not when I was boarding the plane for Africa in a few weeks. I’m feeling better and should be able to get in a few good workouts between now and the 12th and be good-to-go when the time comes.

After all the shots I’ve had recently, getting ready for this trip, I really thought I was bullet proof. In addition to a flu shot, I’ve had shots for Tetanus, Hepatitus A, Hepatitus B, Typhoid, Polio, Yellow Fever & Rabies. Evidently, what I picked up was immune to modern preventative medicine. Had I been bitten by a rabid animal or stepped on a rusty nail, I would have been covered.

RMI last week sent out the list of people who will be in our party. There will be 10 of us, in all, plus guides and porters. It looks like a great group. In this blog, I’ll be referring to them as David, Nathan, Philipp, Jan, Will, Birgitta, Gary, Dave & Bob…first names only to respect their privacy. That’s it, our merry band of mountaineers ready to conquer the tallest mountain in Africa. We’re getting better acquainted through e-mail and, at the end of all this, I’m sure we’ll know each other real well. There is nothing like living in close proximity (tents) with a group of people 24/7 for 2 weeks to break down social barriers. Our head guide will be Mark Tucker. More about Mark and the other RMI guides tomorrow.


  1. Do you know where they are all from? Are they all Americans? And, question, do you knw how many groups go to climb at a time - or at least when you will go? will you be the only one?

  2. They are from all over...mostly US. I'll give you a complete run down when we all meet up. And, there will be a lot of groups heading up the hill. You can check out all of the Kili guide companies on line.
